Origins of Cannabis

The first traces of cannabis use

The origins of cannabis (geographical)  is uncertain given its global distribution. Nevertheless, the oldest archaeological traces of its use by man have been found in China. Within one of the hotbeds of the Neolithic agricultural revolution of Xianrendong dated to 8000 BC. J.-C. which makes it one of the oldest plants that our civilization has adopted.
In the same region, we found a notebook containing three hundred and sixty-five medicinal plants. Cannabis was one of them. Later described in the  » Shen Nung Ben Cao jing  » (treatise on the medicinal plants of the Shen Nung empreure, about 2700 BC) as being a plant with analgesic, anti-emetic, laxative, etc.


Closer to our continent, in 450 BC. The Greek historian Herodotus describes a collective fumigation session resulting in the hilarity of the participants. Since ancient times, Germanic peoples also cultivated hemp, at least for its fibers — used to make clothing and ropes for boats.

Contemporary era

In the nineteenth century, cannabis was used in the West for its medicinal virtues (see medicinal plant), in the form of tincture (alcoholic extract). It was used to treat Queen Victoria’s menstrual pain, and was even sold commercially in the United States. In old Europe as in the United States, this tincture was one of the best-selling drugs by pharmacies.

But, at the end of the nineteenth century, its success began to decline, following the appearance and strong success of other drugs such as aspirin.

Poster distributed by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, in the late 1930s, and during the 1940s, a time when the product was demonized (cannabis is a powerful narcotic that leads to murder, debauchery and death).

Hemp arrived in the Americas with colonization. George Washington, the first president of the United States of America, grew it on his plantation, as evidenced by his diary. In 1794 he encouraged his culture among his fellow citizens in a speech:  » Make the most you can of hemp seed and sow it everywhere. » The Mexicans also cultivated it and began exporting flowering tops to Texas as early as 1910. It is also to the Mexicans that we owe the use of the word marijuana which, originally, designated a cigarette of poor quality.


Awareness Policy

During the 1920s and 1930s, cannabis invaded the black market, becoming very popular. Faced with this growing success, the authorities are setting up so-called awareness campaigns. Slogans such as Marijuana is Devil against the backdrop of a fiery devil. New Orleans drug enforcement blame consumers for 60 percent of crimes committed in the city. Newspapers are picking up and spreading the idea that violence and cannabis are linked across the country. In 1937, a law prohibiting possession and use was enacted.

The increase in the production and trafficking of marijuana in the rest of the world is a cause for concern. Several governments began to worry. In 1925, most of the world’s countries adopted the International Convention of Geneva. So they are committed to fighting marijuana.

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